Wednesday, March 28, 2007

day 3 of single parenthood

well, i am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

(this post has the potential for being really boring. so feel free to skim. consider it a cliffnotes version of our day.)

all i want to do is inform one certain party (who happens to be in a northern state right now), eat the rest of my dinner (yes, it's 9:45), and lay in bed and watch and rewatch american idol from last night. and just marvel at what was done to that boy's hair.

and why in the FREE WORLD he did not go home?

anyway. the recap of the day is going to be speedy quick.

first of all, the goo did NOT sleep last night. every time i turned on the monitor, there she was -- awake like it was 9:30 in the morning. translation: mommy didn't sleep.

somehow managed to get both of my kids to (different) sitters this morning by 9:30 so that i could go *help* weentrab with a photo shoot. help? please. social companion is more like it. she is so big time. (she does not pay me to give her a big head.) i will wait until she reveals her project before i go blabbing about it. bottom line, i hold a mean reflector. and i can straighten clothing with the best of them. and i didn't even have to get her starbucks. i could have and would have, had i gotten there any earlier. in fact, she bought me lunch. what?

went to get big h who let me know that he "meesed" me. love the guy.

got the goo. the report from master sitter, davis, was that "she just doesn't feel well." so sad. she didn't get to have super fun goo goo. breathing treatment, bulb syringe, you name it. that is true friendship, people.

came home, and it was just a tough afternoon for everyone involved. i did NOT want to leave the house, but i realized that i hadn't been to the store to get groceries in a while. so i did what any perfect susie homemaker would do. i called pizza hut. it was a hit with the whole family. even the goo gnawed on the crust.

got her bathed and to bed. got big h bathed, HAIR WASHED, and to bed. and he wanted to "mama, make sure you sank zesus for daddy. he's coming home soon, huh?" oh, little man, you have no idea what you're in for tomorrow night.

speaking of tomorrow night, i decided that i would surprise big h with a trip to the airport to pick up daddy. i realize that now you can basically pull to a slow crawl at the entrance of the airport and hope that your waiting party is ready to jump in your car without it ever stopping. but don't think we're not going to take advantage of the "daddy business trip." they rarely happen, so we're making the most of it. i got a sitter to put the goo down. and big h and i are going to get on our jammies, head out towards the airport, eat somewhere fun on the way, and then pick up daddy. buz knows about it, but big h doesn't. airplanes and his best friend. he might pass out. i'll take a paper bag, just in case.

and that's it. tomorrow, the goo and i have big h's parent/teacher conference. is he old enough for one of these? :) last year, it was so much fun to have someone talk about my little man and all of the things he has accomplished and all that they were looking forward to seeing him work on and tackle.

more medicine for the goo. so send your prayers this way. she is a mess.

we love you, buz, and we cannot wait to see you and hug you and love on you tomorrow!


Big Mama said...

Here is my advice to you (if you haven't already tried it and are interested in unsolicited, but free advice), Sudacare wall plug-ins for the Goo's room. They fill the room with lovely mentholyptus vapors and will help her breathe.

Hope you get some sleep tonight.

Kelly from Montana said...

johnson's also makes a great "vapor bath" - i've heard the sudacare plug ins are great too! of course you've got some pretty significant drugs going too it sounds like. good luck - i'm sure daddy would love to be up with his little sweetheart tonight???

life with the wisners said...

thanks you guys. haven't tried vapor bath yet. have had the sudacare going for 2 days. i think it's working. i could sleep in her room with her -- i love me some mentho.

Anonymous said...


You sure can distinguish the expertly guided glow upon Audrey's sweet face, you master reflector holder, you!
You and Jen are so cute together; like a sisterly interaction between you two.
It was good to meet you, the mother who found that *adorable* apple hat, yesterday. (I've always LOVED that little hat, and Greta looked so cute being the masthead for Sugar's blog wearing it!)