Monday, March 09, 2009

monday 03 09 09

this morning, goo and i had everyone come over to goo's house. and i mean everyone.

like, bob the tomato.

and diego. and big baby. and quincy and june. and baby tapir.

weird that goo does puzzles with her left hand.

rented fly me to the moon because big h is studying space at school right now.

one of the best parts of my day. goo finally fits into keens. i've been waiting for this day for what seems like forever.

but the ultimate best part of my day.....

last night (monday), i was invited by big h to play playstation lego star wars. people, this is HUGE. so big i can't even describe it. this is his special thing he does with daddy every night. but out of the blue, he said, "mama, want to play lego star wars tonight?"
code blue. code blue.
i was on cloud nine all night.
and for any of you photography people, let me fill you in on how dark it was in our living room. this picture? ISO 1600, 1.4, 160. and we're a little bit in focus. crazy.
and for all of you who were worried when i didn't post for a few days and then posted a non-post...sorry. and thank you. i have a desktop (not a laptop), and sometimes it gets old sitting at it when buz is in bed watching television without me.
so i'm ok. i just like spending time with my man.


Kelly said...

I have missed you the past week. I am glad you are back but understand your need to be with your man.

Anonymous said...

i saw a pair of keen newports infant size 1 at tylers the other day. so tiny and cute!

Jenny said...

I so want Keens for luke this summer. BUt probably not in pink.
Those are adorable.

(yeah. I'm a wee bit behind on commenting and what not.)