Posted by life with the wisners at 8:05 PM 10 comments
which is where blogging has fallen.
that's not to say that i haven't been ON the computer. i'm just too busy reading all of your blogs. sheesh. you people have a lot going on these days.
and in the spirit of channelling my inner simple mom, today i plan on getting stuff out of my brain.
you know the drill. go grab something caffeinated. it's possible this could be long.
i think that's about it. this post has taken me most of the day. and i can't imagine how boring it's gotten.
so i'm looking out for you. i'm turning in. and off to watch david blaine. freak of nature, really.
Posted by life with the wisners at 10:38 AM 9 comments
SHE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
was that subtle enough?
kelly? who has two boys, ages 5 and 2, had a GIRL on thursday.
lizzy gray bilau.
and i'm already in love with her. and in love with buying her clothes.
i love you, k. and am MORE THAN THRILLED at God's blessings in your life.
Posted by life with the wisners at 5:01 PM 4 comments
tomorrow, my best friend kelly is being induced with her third child.
if she comes to your mind tomorrow, please pray for a safe delivery.
i love you, k. can't wait to find out if your little peanut is a boy or a girl.
Posted by life with the wisners at 8:39 PM 2 comments
Posted by life with the wisners at 9:48 PM 12 comments
Posted by life with the wisners at 7:03 PM 9 comments