Sunday, December 30, 2007
fffffrrrroooozzzzeeennnnnnnnn tundra

Posted by life with the wisners at 6:08 PM 6 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
oh yeah, it's going to be a frozen tundra alright
so last night, the nighttime process had begun. and yes, it is a process. you out there...with four-year-olds. you know what i'm talking about, right? goo was down for the count. big h had a minor issue with the bath. long story. we read two storybook theaters stories. thank you, ms. wiz, for the fabulous Christmas present. ready to go to bed. had to say night night to daddy. daddy hugged him and reminded him that mommy and daddy were going on a trip and that we would be back in a couple of days. he hugged daddy back and said, "daddy, i will miss you. will you bring me a present?"
we've instilled values. true values.
so this morning, i woke up at 3:50 in the morning.
bless my heart. bless buz's heart.
surprisingly, i was so put together that i had set our coffee pot to start making me a cup of coffee at 4:30. took my shower, dried my hair, put cute clothes on, put the rest of my stuff in our suitcase.
and made coffee for myself.
you might be wondering why i'm such a selfish wife. with all my not making buz coffee. seems buz wanted a professionally-made egg nog latte.
i can't compete with that.
we got to the airport. got checked in. got seated. talked about how we were by ourselves. and then, we just talked about how we were by ourselves some more.
we arrived safely in chicago. oh, and thank you, God, for the beautiful december 28th gift. yeah, that snow fall? yeah, that's the one. thanks.
we had breakfast in the airport and dilly-dallied.
and then, we prepared to board our plane to green bay.
or not.
late. by twenty minutes. ok. no big deal.
delayed some more. no problem. we're child-free right now, so we're not stressing.
some issues with the flight attendant. we're relaxed people.
delayed again. this flight that was scheduled to leave at 11:30 wasn't leaving at 11:30. did i mention that we got to our gate at 8:45?
there was waiting, waiting, and more waiting.
finally, an announcement came over the loud speaker stating that "we can't found out pilot. he seems to be missing. we will announce the flight once we locate him."
never a good sign.
they call another pilot. is that easy? calling pilots? just to see if they can come in to work?
we finally board at 1:15. de-ice. more fuel. more de-icing.
depart at 3:00. arrive in green bay at 4:00.
long day. but you know why it was so worth it? we arrived to falling snow. already five inches laying on the ground with the sole purpose of us walking in it.
twenty-seven degrees. dreary. ahhh...just the way we like it.
we had a delicious dinner . buz had some wings that basically sent him over the edge. he was so on his own little cloud nine. i had myself an apple spice ale. still have the taste in my mouth, and i'm still smiling.
then, went to a little shop that our super cute waitress told us about and got the goo a packers cheerleading outfit. because the punkin' really needs to back the pack.
tomorrow on our agenda:
sledding on fireman's hill and taking our tour of the packers hall of fame.
we are pumped.
beyond excited.
and talk about winter janet. i got reacquainted with winter buz. and i am so in love with him.
Posted by life with the wisners at 6:23 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
hopefully a frozen tundra
really, i would love to toot my own horn and nominate myself for wife of the year.
but i would be taking credit away from someone.
this is dedicated to all things jason and jill.
this friday morning (at an UNGODLY hour), buz and i are off to enjoy our Christmas present.
we are going to green bay, wisconsin to see buz's man crush (and my regular 'ole crush) BRETT FAVRE play against the detroit lions.
there is history, here.
there is something about buz that most of you don't know. i didn't figure it out until a couple of years ago.
buz doesn't have favorites. he is SO easy to please that he doesn't have a favorite in any category. no favorite soft drink. no favorite movie. no favorite color. no dream car. the list could go on forever. seriously.
he does, however, have one very specific favorite. it's actually two-fold. green bay packers and brett favre. in my opinion, they go hand-in-hand. but seeing as how this may be brett's last game, it may not be the case for much longer. (notice how i said 'brett' instead of 'brett favre?' yeah, we go with first names. we're close like that.)
anyway, that was one thing i noticed early on in our dating history. every sunday, i knew where he would be. at home. on the couch. drinking some form of ale. eating some form of tortilla chip combined with some sort of dip. and i was welcome there. but if i had plans of my own, so be it. he wasn't getting off the couch.
those of you who actually know buz in real life probably find all of this interesting because he's just not your typical NFL couch potato.
when we were dating, i learned that his family has an NFL contest every season. you pick games, upset or favorites. more points for upsets. more points for teams that you pick alone. i was intrigued. so i purchased as many NFL magazines as i could that fall, and i was determined to at least stay in the game.
i won.
first year.
um hmmm.
yeah, i won.
i got a trophy the night of our rehearsal dinner.
anyway, since we met, i have decided that i really like watching NFL and keeping up with who's who. and one thing has remained.
buz's love for the game. the team. and the player.
packer tickets are next to impossible to obtain. well, i mean, for under four hundred dollars.
the summer before big h was born, buz and i went to one of my college roommate's weddings. and all four of us roomies were there. there was the bride. the one who was already a mom. the one who was about to be a mom. and the one who was married but without a child. yet. that was jill.
buz got to talking to her husband that afternoon/night and found out that his parents have season tickets to the packers.
had to pick buz and his jaw up off the floor. seriously.
fast forward to several months ago. no idea what to get buz for Christmas. think, think, think.
email jill about possibility of knowing anyone who could get us tickets.
day after i send the email -- call from jason, the husband, asking if december 30 would be ok.
pick myself and my jaw up off the floor.
no idea how i will work anything out but said yes so fast my head hurt. what, from all the spinning and such.
called the one person who never spills secrets -- my dad.
and then proceed to figure out how to take out a second mortgage so we can make it to the game.
all i have to say is that God works miracles.
now, we're packing for an unforgettable trip. kids are staying at home with nana. buz and i are going to be alone for FOUR DAYS.
oh, and guess who buz gets to spend those FOUR DAYS with?
WINTER JANET. really, she's a beautiful creature. she smiles all the time. she has a joyful spirit. she takes in life with each breath and thanks God for his mighty and beautiful creation. you think i'm kidding. those of you have met WINTER JANET know that i'm not.
she is the exact opposite of summer Janet. she is a sad, sad person who really isn't even worth mentioning, to be honest.
i was going to wait until Christmas morning to tell him we were going on a trip. then, keep the secret until we were getting on the plane.
i mean, i waited nine months TWICE to find out the sex of my children, for pete's sake.
i couldn't hold out. couldn't do it. had to tell him earlier.
you know how i did it?
i bought us matching shoes. and socks. thank you, kelly. and gave him this.
and to end on a sweet note, the forecast for sunday is high of thirty with a forty-five percent chance of snow.
God bless America. and God bless Jason and Jill. (and now baby Evan.)
Posted by life with the wisners at 12:04 AM 5 comments
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Posted by life with the wisners at 7:00 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
the eagle has landed.
the blankie has arrived.
i woke this morning to the thought that just maybe a priority overnight mail package would be on my front porch. at seven a.m.
c'mon. it could happen.
no such luck.
even big h went to the door this morning when he got out of bed to see if it was there.
pins and needles around here lately.
nothing too crazy about our morning. went and picked up nana from the car repair place to be her personal shuttle for the day. came back home. put goo down for her nap. she cried for thirty minutes. went down and slept for twenty minutes. TWENTY.
you know she's sixteen months, right? sixteen-month-olds sleep for a long time. twenty minutes is not a long time.
got her up. had lunch. piddled around the house. then, decided to run errands with nana and the kiddos. let the kids play and release some energy. buz was going to be home late, so we picked up dinner to take home.
got home and got ready to eat. checked the front door. overnight blankie #1 arrived from marino. sweet, sweet overnight marino. backup blankie in place, ready to be washed and stored somewhere easily accessible. hmmm...no other boxes or bubble mailers. the mailbox. of course, it would totally fit in my mailbox, right? no package. just the bright orange "come get your package from the post office" notice. it's 6:11. post office closes at 6:30. nana says, "RUN! RUN NOW! GET THERE IN TIME! I'LL FEED THE KIDS!"
i'll be honest. i sped. got there before the door closed.
give my bright orange card to the nice lady. she took two other cards back with mine. she comes out with two packages. very, very big packages. too big to be blankies.
"i'm going to have to look again for yours."
she takes two more cards from two more people.
comes back with two packages. this time one is too big and one is too small.
"ma'am, i'm going to spend some time back there looking. i can't seem to find it."
the blood drains from my face.
three more cards from three more people. i'm giving the play-by-play over the phone to my mother-in-law who literally can't breathe she's so nervous for me.
comes back. three packages given to three people. and then, the warm lady smiles. package perfectly sized for a pink blankie.
i went on an on about how much i appreciated her looking so hard and wished her a merry christmas so many times, i was positive she got the point.
i opened the box before i got to the door. and then, because i'm a mom, i started crying. it was like i was a successful member of the search and rescue squad.
pink blankie found. goo was already asleep when i got home, so tomorrow is the day. pink blankie #1 and 2 are washed, dried, and smelling like good, clean wisner smell.
it's like christmas around here.
oh wait. it is christmas around here.
Posted by life with the wisners at 9:35 PM 5 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
how i know big h truly loves me.
big H: mama?
mom: what, buddy?
big H: i would cry a whole lot if you got eaten by the abominable snow monster.
Posted by life with the wisners at 11:35 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 15, 2007
first of all, someone brought to my attention that i have never given any type of formal update on goo's condition. please accept my most sincere apology. after her really tough surgery experience (wink wink), she has done nothing but recover with grace. she's goo. what did we expect? so here is that formal update you've been waiting for. she is doing well. kickin' butt and takin' names. that's my goo.
but something i was not expecting? others' reactions to her. in her, you know, less than beautiful state. (oh, how i want to post post-op pictures. but for some of you with weak stomachs, i'm looking out for you.) her surgery was on a wednesday. we stayed home that entire afternoon/evening. thursday, we didn't do anything. friday, took big h to school and went back home. his teachers made comments about her eyes, but they were warm and concerned comments. but then. friday night, we went to one of the malls in the area. i promise we don't go to malls all the time. and it happened. tact went out the window. seriously, i was so surprised how many stared at her. pointed at her. laughed at her. little, little children. unbelievable. and then, we were in line at a fast food restaurant inside the little food court, and one little girl (couldn't be any more than four or five), started pointing with a disgusted look on her face. then, she went and got either her cousin or friend and told her to "come look at this girl." they both pointed and looked at her like she was a leper. then, they both went and got their brother/cousin/friend and told him to "come here. you gotta see this." and he replied with "oooh, that is disgusting."
talk about messin' with a mama bear's little cub. hot. i was HOT. but i decided not to do anything because i thought it might be a little appropriate to grab her by her hair and use profanity. not to mention the security guards and the possible time spent in lock up. i refrained. but i wanted to do something ugly.
so anyway, she is great. feeling great. not scratching her eyes anymore. because really, in the morning she was not looking her best. her eyes were already red. but the scratching at night left her with red circles around her eyes. i told you. it wasn't pretty. but she's back to her old goo self. easy to please but stands her ground when necessary.
let's go ahead and segue into the topic at hand. pink blankie. i am blown away by the support out there. nothing brings people (mostly moms) together like a lost lovie. you all are so thoughtful.
so here is where we are with the whole blankie ordeal. don't laugh, but the last three nights before i've gone to bed, i've prayed (pleaded) that God would lay on the heart of whoever has pink blankie to just RETURN THE DARN THING ALREADY! no, i prayed that whoever now has the beloved pink blankie would be less fortunate and be so appreciative of their new lovie. no, that wasn't it either. i prayed that either we would find it, replace it, or comfort goo enough that life can go on without it. i know i sound dramatic, but it sounds as though some of you out there know the magnitude of which i speak. this is big. she has cried for naps and nighttime, which makes me sad. really, really sad. and we had a babysitter yesterday morning, so that buz and i could go to big h's christmas program. (post for a later date.) even her babysitter who knows her pretty well said, "it was weird. she just kind of walked around the house most of the morning. like she was looking for you guys. or something else." yeah. blankie. that's what she was looking for.
i've called the mall two or three times every day since the "crime." still nothing. people, it's not turning up. pink blankie, as we know her, is gone.
but there's hope. two glimmers of hope.
one involves "Marino." the giver of pink blankie. one other little claim to fame in the blog world. she just so happens to be big mama's sister. marino is one of my dearest friends. and if you knew her, she would be one of your dearest friends too. we met working at a kamp twelve years ago. in the kitchen. if you knew marino, you would laugh at what you thought was a joke. the part about the kitchen. but that's neither here or there. we've been buddies ever since then. and she has been a rock in my life. when big h was born, she sent him a lovie with his name and birth date on it. he didn't use it for the first two and a half years or so. it sat on his bookshelf making his room sparkle with all the personalization. he found it right around when goo was born. one night, he was scared. we had prayed, told the monsters to go away, etc. nothing was working at this point. and i said, "know what goo does when she's scared? she loves on her blankie. you have a blankie. wanna love on your blankie too? just like goo?" and from then on, dog blankie was a part of his life too.
so to say that marino has played an integral part in our children's emotional security would be a pathetic understatement.
marino has called everyday since the crime wondering if we had a lead. marino knows the pain goo and i have gone through. because her two-and-a-half-year-old daughter has a lovie. and trust me when i say it goes everywhere.
so marino calls me on my cell today with hope in her voice. "i need to send you some pictures. i was looking in my daughter's baby stuff, and i came across a pink bear lovie that resembles goo's. if you think it could possibly be a replacement, i will overnight it." she's serious about goo's well-being. this is the picture.
definitely in the same family.
unlike these.
Posted by life with the wisners at 8:39 PM 5 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Posted by life with the wisners at 7:26 PM 12 comments
Saturday, December 08, 2007
exciting events at casa de wisner
my husband, my knight in shining armour, took the kiddos this morning. and he's coming back home tomorrow afternoon.
the first item on his to do list was to see santa. i've been amazed, now that big h is into santa, at how santa is a much busier person than he was when i was big h's age. i mean, the professional photography. the digital printers at the end of the line so you can have your image printed right then and there. (i mean, i'm distinctly remembering some sweet 70s Polaroids back in the day.) and the lines. oh heavens, the lines. i was determined to only take him once so he wouldn't be confused. so we went to the mall on thursday to play with a friend. we played at the play area, and santa himself just happened to be right next to the play area. convenience. no line. even better. but because i'm a mom of the year nominee, i decide it would be best for all of us to get some lunch so we're all in good moods. lunch complete. off to see santa. still expecting no line. definitely was not expecting santa to be taking his "milk and cookies" break. now, i'll give the guy a break. he has to sit in probably the hottest outfit in all of america from what must seem like sun up to sun down. i understand. a guy's gotta have his milk and cookie break. makes sense. but we show up at 1:10, and his milk and cookie break is from 1-2. how on earth do you explain to a very excited 4-year-old that we have to go home because it's snack time for santa. well, you tell him that tomorrow night is daddy's office christmas party and spouses aren't invited, so we're off for a night play date. i'm crazy. i live on the edge.
we head down to the mall in the heart of the metroplex. we arrive at 4pm. we had called a friend to meet us for dinner between 5 and 530. her son happens to be scared of santa at this point in his little 3-year-old life; hence, the reason we go so early.
this place is incredible. it is a store that is totally designated to having santa. red painted walls. an entire living room setup, complete with massive christmas tree, mantle, and hunter green velour chair for the man himself. seems there is a lot of interest in this santa. seems pretty popular. we don't see him. seems he's having dinner. at this point, big h thinks that all santa does is eat. we take our ticket. we ask the man when we might expect our number to be called.
so after i spit my dr. pepper in his face, i had to break the news to the little man that it appears santa is really popular.
i promise him we will see santa tomorrow. he's thinking i'm the boy who cried wolf. "whatever, mom. that's what you said yesterday."
buz got the honor and privilege of taking big h to see santa this morning. help me figure out my dilemma. can't tell if he had fun or not.

guess so.
so santa is checked off our list of holiday fun things to do. kind of sad i didn't get to be a part of his first santa experience. but i can't think of anyone either would've rather gone with.
the day to myself. how should i spend my time? spent time photographing a friend's kids and nephew this morning. Christmas present for the unsuspecting grandmother. fun.
came home and feverishly cleaned. every room in the house has clean sheets. light bulb in goo's closet that hasn't worked for about 7 months. changed. sippy cup that's been in the sink for a time i'd rather not share. rinsed and finally in the dishwasher. everyone in the house will have clean clothes when the load that's currently drying is complete. ahhh. spent the afternoon with weentrab doing her magic with some of her and my favorite people. what i would give to be weentrab for a day. home for more cleaning and organizing. gave myself until 7, and then it would be dinner time. oh, and dinner time it was. were there 90s love ballads, you ask? yes, there were. and i was even able to combine my love for the love ballad with a little christmas flare.
Posted by life with the wisners at 6:45 PM 6 comments
Friday, December 07, 2007
rumor going around
that i might have the night to myself tomorrow night.
like husband and kids staying at my mom's house all day tomorrow, tomorrow night, and sunday morning/afternoon.
like me being in my house for the first time ever without either of my children in approximately four years and two months. i mean, i'm not counting or anything.
just a rumor at this point. but don't think i'm not planning how much of the house i'm going to clean. and how many things i'm going to put away. and how many christmas cards i'm going to finish. and how loud my 90s love ballads are going to play throughout the wisner house.
just a rumor.
(buz, i love you so much i can't see straight.)
Posted by life with the wisners at 10:07 AM 4 comments