Posted by life with the wisners at 5:00 PM 12 comments
Posted by life with the wisners at 9:35 PM 6 comments
so my title for this post was going to be different. something like, "can i get an AMEN HALLELUJAH?"
because of this.
and really, that's all i was going to say.
because that would've been enough.
but then.
i know you'll all be surprised to hear that my husband did something so incredibly thoughtful, i will NOT do justice to try to put it into words.
love languages. you've heard me talk about them once or eighteen times by now. i won't even go into my deep and obsessive feelings towards them. other than to tell you that they have helped buz and me build an incredible marriage.
side note: we don't communicate in our love languages nearly the way we did before kids. so to those of you out there without kids or with kids on the way (jill), pretend i didn't say that. enjoy your marital kid-free bliss.
point to all that. my love language is words of affirmation.
and people, my sweet buz knows how to mush me up. i mean, this? this would almost make me wanna go out and buy him a playstation game for no reason. no reason. this is huge.
and do we even bring up how much TIME it must have taken him? the thought that went into it?
please note the time it might take you to go through these. but the enjoyment that will come from doing so? well, it will bless your whole day.
let's just say there's at least one backstreet boys song. and martina sings "our song" live. yeah, that's our song.
(and i'll just be bold. leave him comments. he only posts every three months, you know. he's sensitive.)
Posted by life with the wisners at 9:22 PM 7 comments
sorry i've been gone for a while. just doing life. one day at a time.
big h saying from the backseat, "yook, mama. i'm doing the robot." oh. oh yes. yes, he was. perfectly, i might add.
same time, same place. i skipped over a song that was about to come on in the car from my ipod because i was trying to get to a song big h would like. he interrupted my nervous shuffling while saying, "wait, mama. go back. that was a good song." it was this song. my heart instantly melted into a big pile of mush. big h, you make a mama proud with your love of all things hip hop.
while picking up big h from school, he told me, "mama, i played with "A" today, and i was really nice to him and i didn't even hit him." baby steps, i guess.
goo's laugh. period.
wearing shorts and a t-shirt today. because you know, it's NOVEMBER and all.
yeah, no. that's not something that made me smile. no. that definitely did NOT make me smile.
these. i mean, really. don't they make you smile too?
this website. makes me want to decorate. bless my heart.
seeing this at the mall kiosk today. oh, how i can't wait to rekindle the flame with my very own meat log, smoky bar, and sweet hot mustard.
this. I-L-L!! I-N-I!! i would sing the fight song for you. but well, i can't sing.
and the fact that my husband came home with this for dinner. love languages, people.
Posted by life with the wisners at 7:25 PM 5 comments