Posted by life with the wisners at 1:57 PM 6 comments
i have this problem. i have always had this problem. i do one big night (or day) of preparation or shopping for a certain event. i get *almost* everything done. i only have a *little* left to do. and somehow that *little* left ends up killing me.
buz and i went Christmas shopping two weeks ago. we knocked it all out. or so we thought.
somehow i keep thinking of things i forgot.
oops. gift for my niece.
oops. gift for buz...even though we're not supposed to be getting each other anything. except, he always gets me something. even when we make this rule. jerk. not really. he's quite fabulous, actually.
oops. gift for my dad. well, his birthday is the week after christmas. "i thought we said we were doing one big gift?"
oops. all of the ingredients for sugar cookies from scratch.
(and screech goes the record player.)
yep. i said from scratch.
seriously. what am i smoking?
the holiday spirit. not only that. but i'm going to make the icing too. and use different food colors.
oh, and i made sweets today.
AND i made a pot roast this week.
AND i let big h and goo play with playdoh today.
i know. i am not EVEN kidding.
next thing you know i'll be wanting to drink wine, drink diet coke, and take long bubble baths.
ok...not going that far.
um, the pot roast? first one i've made. ever. and buz went for seconds. i'll take that as a compliment.
the sweets i made? were supposed to be for goo's birthday party. yeah, in JULY. oops. i decided to go with white chocolate instead. and i had every intention of using red and green sugar sprinkles and multi-colored sprinkles. but the chocolate dried while i was blinking.
but they're cute. and EASY. go me.
and the FROM SCRATCH cookie dough i made is chilling in the fridge tonight. thanks, jenny. man, if i had a dollar for every time someone asked me if i just wanted to use the already made stuff...well, i would be about five bucks richer. seems that no one is a believer in my culinary skill. i'll show them.
oh, and never mind the fact that we have no one (other than santa) to give any of these treats to. i'm already preparing for a *bit* of a sugar high from both of my children.
we headed to the mall with some friends today to get last minute things.
and OH. MY. WORD.
have i mentioned that my daughter knows how to throw herself one mighty tantrum? i got to do the walk of shame through the halls of the mall while my friend took big h and her children to a store to look around. goo and i just loved on each other. and when she calmed down, she looked at me so matter-of-factly and said, "i crying. so youd. i sad."
understatement, sister.
big h is BEYOND excited about christmas. we have an advent calendar, and he cannot wait to get a treat every night and share one thing he's thankful for. and fun for buz and me? it's usually something along the lines of "i yuv my stister."
and as far as what we're doing...well, we are going to kick it this year.
my in-laws got my kiddos a trampoline this year. big h and goo are going to need to breathe into a paper bag. trust me.
and my parents are taking my family and brother's family to two different places to spend the night this weekend.
um, yeah.
and so. i'm off to hit the hay. and wake up to a christmas eve with my kiddos. perhaps some flavored coffee and some coloring. and jammies.
night night all.
Posted by life with the wisners at 11:05 PM 5 comments
big h making his entrance.
entrance from janet wisner on Vimeo.
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town from janet wisner on Vimeo.
we three kings
we three kings from janet wisner on Vimeo.
Posted by life with the wisners at 10:47 AM 6 comments
Posted by life with the wisners at 9:42 PM 4 comments
Posted by life with the wisners at 10:23 PM 9 comments
seems i can't get a handle on the whole "blogging on a regular basis thing."
buz is nighty-night. i am up way past my bedtime. but tomorrow is school for big h AND the goo. and i'm thinking about what i'm going to do tomorrow with my five free hours. take a nap on the couch? take a shower? pair buz's unmatched socks? maybe wander the gap? the sky's the limit, really.
let's see. what's been going on in the life with the wisners? had dinner with four fun friends. totally rad, franklin five, sugar, and amy (also referred to in our house as sarah's fun friend) for tamales and gingersnap lattes. i gotta be honest. i don't do girls' night outs very often. but every time i do, i feel so refreshed. granted, i didn't have to eat a tv dinner tonight -- that could be part of it. and i didn't have to give either kiddo a bath. but it was awesome to be with great friends and relax.
and i promised them i would post a video or two of my little man. the kid is freaking hilarious. i realize i am 100% biased. but c'mon. this spanish thing? kills you, right? i love this little guy. or "big guy" as he has corrected me since turning five.
spanish food song from janet wisner on Vimeo.
um. san diego. not going to lie. when you go to a photography workshop, prepared to learn from some of the people you admire most in "the industry," it really SUCKS when your camera breaks. your baby. your gateway to hopefully some awesome images. i told buz i SO didn't want to be known as "the girl whose camera broke." thankfully, most girls didn't even know about it. but again, in all honesty, it kind of yanked the rug out from under me. i actually ended up learning more about my character than i did photography. which was great. i used to always tell my dad that i wish God would stop "building my character." that's what he used to say when something disappointing happened to me growing up. "He's just building your character." but here i am.
my roommate? freaking rocked. and sarah? i might have even told her that i was ready to kick it roommate-style. and she didn't disown me. that's positive. met her right as i got off the plane. we took a cab together back to our hotel and hung out the rest of the day. we had a great week together. she was even able to laugh off my "choice words" when the camera died its horrible death. and still remained my friend. she's an amazing photographer who loves Jesus with everything she is. and i'm pretty sure we're going to be friends for a long time. meaghan, sure do think you're cool.
buz? yeah, he ROCKED it while i was gone. shocker. the guy is amazing. uh-mazing. and i think he had a great time. buz, you're the man.
fall janet? she's here. for now, at least. and seriously. she's so pleasant. i just love her to pieces. what constitutes fall janet, you might ask? fleece. keens. corduroy. cozy blankets at night. the lack of the a/c running. totally void of sweat.
so, hi fall janet. nice to have you here.
every so often, i try to think of words i don't use often and decide that i will work diligently to use them as often as possible. in 1999, it was millennium. buz will tell you i didn't fare too well. 2006 it was fantastic (pronounced fun-TAHS-tic with a bit of a british twist). again. not so much. while i was in san diego, i decided that my new word will be stunning. don't get me wrong. i'm trying. but it's such an extreme word. not many things can really warrant stunning, you know? but i'm really putting out an effort. what's your word?
anything else? OH! i got a cute, little award from a "friend" of mine. she's real cute. seriously. you should go over and say hello. tell her janet sent you. thanks, dude. i love my award. (and i realize that i think i've gotten some cute blog things/buttons, etc. but i forgot about them. and clearly, my blog hasn't been top on priority list lately. sorry, friends.)
Posted by life with the wisners at 9:20 AM 13 comments